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Forward Ports on the Technicolor TC8. DDid you know your Technicolor TC8. D router has a firewall The firewall helps protect your home network from unwanted Internet access. The firewall blocks all unauthorized ports or connections to your home network. Some online games and programs will run much smoother if you have additional ports opened. This process of opening additional ports is called a port forward. In this guide I will show you exactly how to forward ports on the Technicolor TC8. D router. I will explain how to setup a static IP address on the device you want to forward these ports to. Pokemon Byond Game Source' title='Pokemon Byond Game Source' />Technicolor TC8. D router interface. Technicolor TC8. 71. D router interface. We think that forwarding a port should be easy. Pokemon Byond Game Source' title='Pokemon Byond Game Source' />Home Browse Game Files Game Files. The Game Files category includes saved video game files and files referenced by video games. It also includes game ROMs, which. The Cloning Blues trope as used in popular culture. In Speculative Fiction, being a clone absolutely sucks. Its enough to make a clone sing the blues. Pokemon Byond Game Source' title='Pokemon Byond Game Source' />Use this guide to get your ports forwarded on the Technicolor TC8715D router. Thats why we created Network Utilities. Our software does everything that you need to forward a port. Get Started Now When you use Network Utilities you get your port forwarded right nowStep 1. It is important to setup a static ip address in the device that you are forwarding a port to. This ensures that your ports will remain open even after your device reboots. Recommended Our free program will setup a static IP address for you. Download Network Utilities today Or follow our Static IP Address guide to setup a static IP address. TIP I recommend writing this static IP address down. You need it a little later in the port forwarding process. Step 2. Now that you have set up a static IP address on the device you plan on forwarding these ports to it is time to login to the Technicolor TC8. D router. The first step is to open up a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. It normally doesnt matter which browser you use, I recommend using one you are familiar with. Once you have opened the web browser, find the address bar. The address bar is found at the top of the page like this 1. I have circled the address bar for you in the image above. All you need to do is enter the routers IP address in this space. The routers IP address is also sometimes called the computers default gateway. By default the Technicolor TC8. D router has an IP address of 1. Simply press the Enter key after you have entered the routers IP address into the address bar. If the correct IP address was used you will see a login screen like this If you do not see a page like the one above, you need to find out what the routers IP address is. To do this use our How To Find Your Routers IP Address page. Enter the router username and password in the spaces provided. By default the Technicolor TC8. D router has a username of admin. By default the Technicolor TC8. D router has a password of password. Having Trouble A lot of people get stuck at this point. Most router setup procedures ask you to change the username and password before continuing. These passwords get lost, and logging into the router interface becomes a challenge. Here are a few things you can try before tossing the router out the nearest window It is possible we dont have the most current default username and password. Every once in a while router manufactures change the defaults on us to keep us on our toes. Here is a list of all the different default usernames and passwords Technicolor has ever used Default Technicolor Router Passwords. None of the defaults worked Most likely you changed the password and have forgotten it. If you cant guess what you changed it to, let us help. Use our Find Password App. It does the guessing for you. Are you still stuck It is probably time to consider a factory reset for your Technicolor TC8. D router. To do this follow the procedure explained on our How to Reset a Router page. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Psp Cso. Step 3. You should now be logged in and looking at the At a Glance page of the Technicolor TC8. D router interface. It will look like this Select the Advanced link in the left sidebar. This should take you to the page above. If not, simply click the Port Forwarding option in the left sidebar. Now, click the yellow Add Service button in the center section of the page. Congratulations, you have found the port forwarding page. Step 4. Now we are ready to enter some data in your router. In order to show you exactly how to configure your router we need you to answer two questions The IP address box above needs to contain the static IP address you created in Step 1. Our router simulator shows you exactly what data to enter in your router based on your choices above. We are currently showing the ports for XBox Live. If this is correct you should fill out the boxes in the router as you see them here. Dont forget to click the yellow Add button after each entry. Check your Ports. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if the ports forwarded properly, so we recommend using our Open Port Checker to see if the ports forwarded correctly. Our port checker uses a local application to see if the server is listening. This guarantees an accurate result. Additional Info. Here at portforward. We also have networking, software, and gaming guides. Check them out on our guide page. Do you need help setting up your router for the first timeHow about your Wi. Fi security, is it as strong as it should be We can help at setuprouter.